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The City of Atchison Takes the Win

”Amelia Reflects On America” Photo by Rox Stec

(KAIR)--The victory goes to the City of Atchison. 

That comes as the “Hometown Showdown” competition comes to an end, and Atchison earns the most amount of votes in the championship round. 

Sponsored by the Kansas League of Municipalities, the contest was played on Facebook, with the public voting on a selected photograph representing the cities in competition. 

The final round pitted Atchison against the City of Fort Scott, with the League of Municipalities late Monday afternoon officially declaring Atchison as the winner. 

The photo submitted by Atchison was taken by photographer Rox Stec, and earned 2.9 thousand Facebook “likes,” which were counted as votes in the final round. The photo shows the Amelia Earhart Memorial Bridge lit in red, white and blue lights, which, when reflected in the Missouri River below, becomes an image of the nation's flag. 

City Manager Trey Cocking, reacting to the announcement of the city's win, said in a Facebook post of his own that the bridge will be lit in patriotic colors on Saturday to commemorate the victory. 

The City of Fort Scott earned 2.3 thousand likes in the final round. 

As the winner of the “Hometown Showdown,” Atchison's photograph will be featured on the cover of a future edition of the Kansas Government Journal. 


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