Presentation Explores Kansas’ Soda Fountains

The Jackson County Historical Society in Holton will host “Soda Fountains of Kansas,” a presentation and discussion by Cindy Higgins on Thursday, July 14, at 1:00 pm at the Trinity Lutheran Church, 401 Cheyenne Drive, Holton. Members of the community are invited to attend the free program. Contact the Jackson County Historical Society at 785-364-4991 for more information. The program is made possible by the Kansas Humanities Council.

Those attending are invited to make an ice cream treat following the presentation. Please call 785-364-4991 if you plan to attend this event so we can enough supplies on hand. There will be a donation jar to offset the cost of the ice cream.

During the glory days of the soda fountain, Kansas pharmacists created tonics and curatives that eventually evolved into refreshments like the Brown Cow, the Mudslide, and the Egg Cream. Government regulations, World War I luxury taxes, and bottled soda pop played a role in these ice cream concoctions that became a profitable sideline business. The presentation will explore soda fountains in Kansas today and the revival of soda fountains throughout the nation.

Cindy Higgins is a journalist and Kansas historian whose research interests focus on Kansas industry before technological mechanization dramatically changed work and labor in the early 20th century.

“Most every early Kansas pharmacy sooner or later installed a soda fountain stocked with sugar-laced tonics and fizzy cure-alls invented by the local pharmacist and served by a fast-moving, slang-talking soda jerk,” Higgins said. “Serving an updated menu, several soda fountains remain in Kansas today, and nationwide offer innovative artisanal treats reminiscent of the fountains’ original offerings.”

“Soda Fountains of Kansas” is part of the Kansas Humanities Council’s Kansas Stories Speakers Bureau, featuring presentations and discussions that examine our shared human experience—our innovations, culture, heritage, and conflicts.

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