Crash Responder Safety Week

(KLZA)-- On a daily basis, emergency responders put their lives on the line along highways responding to crash scenes. These responders include police officers, fire fighters, EMS, tow truck operators and highway workers. They respond to traffic incidents, assist drivers, and help keep traffic flowing.

According to the Federal Highway Administration, traffic incidents are the leading cause of death for EMS responders and law enforcement officers. To remind motorists what- on the line, the FHWA has declared the week of Nov. 13-17 as National Crash Responder Safety Week.

Missouri- Move Over law requires drivers to either change lanes or slow down when approaching stationary MoDOT, law enforcement or other emergency vehicles with flashing lights on. To help protect those who protect us, all 50 states enforce some form of the Move Over law.

In 2022, more than 54,000 traffic crashes were reported on Missouri roadways that required emergency response. MoDOT emergency response personnel respond to more than 4,500 traffic incidents each month on average.

Crash Responder Safety Week is an opportunity to remind drivers to adhere to the various Move Over laws, educate drivers on crash prevention and promote life-saving training for all traffic incident responders.

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