Valley Falls implements Phase 2 water restrictions

( KNZA)--As the water level at Perry Lake continues to fall, the city of Valley Falls announced Monday they have entered stage 2 of the city's Emergency Water Plan.

The city entered Stage 1 of the plan on October 19 when the elevation of Perry Lake reached 890 feet. Since that time the elevation of the lake has continued to drop. As of 8:00 Monday morning, the elevation of Perry Lake was recorded at 888.9 feet, which triggered Stage 2 water restrictions.

According to a release from the city, the lake elevation is a key indicator of drought conditions. The drought conditions have a direct impact on the Delaware River, which is the main water supply for Valley Falls.

The city says the goal of Stage 2 is to reduce the peak demands by 20% and to reduce overall weekly consumption by 10%.

Under Stage 2, the public is required to curtail outdoor water use and make efficient use of indoor water.

This can be done by:

- Washing full loads of laundry

- Take showers instead of full baths. Cut down time in the shower.

- Don’t let faucets run while washing dishes, brushing teeth, etc.

- Don’t let toilets run.

- Limit outdoor water activities such as washing cars, watering lawns, or filling pools.

City officials said they will continue to notify the public of any changes.

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