Council approves Aquatic Center hires

Seneca City Hall

(KMZA)--Preparations are being made for the 2025 season at the Seneca Aquatic Center.

On the recommendation of city Recreation Director Jordan Weaver, the Seneca City Council last week approved the hiring of Brooke Stallbaumer as pool manager at a salary of $17.15 an hour. This marks Stallbaumer's 3rd season as manager.

The Council also approved the hiring of two assistant managers and 24 lifeguards as presented.

Stallbaumer said they had a lot of interest this year in the positions.

The Seneca Aquatic Center is to open Memorial Day weekend, weather depending.

In other business, the Council approved ordinances prohibiting food trucks from parking on city streets.

They would only be allowed on vacant lots, parking lots and private property. All units must be self-contained for the purpose of electric power and can't utilize external power sources, except as approved by the property owner.

The Council took the action on the recommendation of city Planning Commission.

Also on the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the Council approved a zoning change from residential to industrial that would allow for the placement of a new electric substation and three generators on the Jaycee's ball field.

City Administrator Steve Brooks said the Planning Commission approved the recommendation on a 4 to 2 vote.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, Beth Niehues and Cheryl Holthaus appeared before the Council to voice their opposition to the placement of the substation and generators on the ball field, and urged the Council to reconsider the zoning change.

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