Groups Seek Energy Title Support

More than 100 farm, renewable energy and rural advocacy groups signed off on a letter sent Monday to the House and Senate Agriculture Committee leadership calling for support and mandatory funding for an energy title in a new farm bill.

The letter was delivered in anticipation of both panels marking up a new farm bill later this month. Both committees are expected to draft legislation that delivers tens of billions of dollars in farm program spending cuts over the next 10 years, resulting in harsh competition among a variety of production and nutrition interests for remaining funds. The letter makes the case that continuing an investment in farm energy programs will help raise revenue by boosting rural economies.

Citing programs like the Rural Energy for America Program, Biomass Crop Assistance Program, Biorefinery Assistance Program and Biobased Markets Program, the letter says thousands of direct and indirect jobs have been created or saved in rural areas since 2009 and more than 12,000 rural small businesses, agricultural producers and advanced biofuel refineries have benefited.

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