Delaware WRAPS BMP Auction Offers Cost-Share

Crop and livestock producers in the targeted areas of the Delaware River watershed have the opportunity to receive cost-share for conservation practices through a new program sponsored by Delaware River WRAPS and K-State Research and Extension. This program, known as a Best Management Practices (BMP) Auction can provide producers with up to70% cost-share and up to $7,500 on select practices within targeted areas of the watershed.


Cropland practices eligible for cost-share include: establishing vegetative buffers, no-till farming, building water retention structures or sediment basins, establishing or repairing grassed waterways, converting cropland to permanent vegetation, subsurface fertilizer application, and planting cover crops. Practices that address gully erosion such as grade stabilization structures, diversion, constructed wetlands and other are also eligible for cost-share.


Livestock practices eligible for cost-share include: relocating feeding pens or pasture feeding areas away from streams or water sources, establishing vegetative filter strips around feeding pens, , rotational grazing systems, and installing alternate water sources.


For additional information, please contact Marlene Bosworth, Delaware WRAPS Coordinator at 785-284-3422 or Applications can also be picked up any time at local County Extension or Conservation District Offices or the Glacial Hills RC&D office in Wetmore.  They are also available online at


The Auction is open from July 15 through September 1. However, all applications must be received by September 1, 2013 to be considered. Applications are evaluated based on water quality improvements per dollar spent. The most efficient practices in targeted areas will be funded first

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