Bond Issue To Be Decided For Atchison County Schools

(KAIR)--Included contingencies, based on the current construction market, and the cost of a FEMA approved student shelter, all play into the higher price tag now set to come before voters in USD 377. 

The proposed facility, to house students in the Effingham based Atchison County Schools, is now anticipated to cost $17.5 million, up from the original estimate of around $16.7 million. 

That follows a near three hour Tuesday night meeting, including the Facilities Planning Committee and project architect, held to scale down the original design plans for what had been proposed as a preschool through 8th grade facility. 

Superintendent Steve Wiseman says, while the plans were redesigned, the other costs entered the picture for the building, to be constructed on the east side of the junior senior high building.  

Wiseman says adjustments were made to the size of the proposed gymnasium, in order to keep costs down, but other factors, including the emergency shelter, which can house all students and staff, and factoring in the contingencies related to construction costs, still caused the price to rise.   

Once the project had been revised, as a result of Tuesday's meeting, a further review was held during Thursday night's meeting of the Board of Education. 

Once that was concluded, the School Board approved the resolution to place the bond issue, for funding of the construction, on the ballot for a special November 5th election. 

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