KDA Names Deputy Animal Health Commissioner


Kansas Secretary of Agriculture Dale Rodman announced today that Justin Smith, state field veterinarian, was promoted to the position of deputy animal health commissioner for the Kansas Department of Agriculture.

Smith, who received a doctorate of veterinary medicine from Kansas State University in 1987, has served the Kansas livestock sector in various animal health professional roles for the past 26 years. In addition to his time as a state field veterinarian for KDA since September 2011, Smith has served as ranch manager for Mills Ranch in Sharon Springs, Kan., owned and operated a veterinary practice and served as a 4-H livestock extension agent in Ness County, Kan. In February 2012, Smith earned certification as a foreign animal disease diagnostician (FADD) from the Plum Island Animal Disease Center.

As deputy animal health commissioner, Smith will assist Kansas Animal Health Commissioner Dr. Bill Brown in providing leadership and support to the KDA Division of Animal Health in its animal disease control and traceability program, animal facilities inspection program and brands program. In addition, Dr. Brown said Smith will play a crucial role in the state’s emergency preparedness plan.

“Justin’s diverse experience in and knowledge of the state’s animal agriculture sector will enable him to provide important leadership to the Division of Animal Health,” Dr. Brown said. “Animal agriculture is the largest sector of the Kansas agricultural industry, and I am confident Justin will help us be more efficient and effective in our service to Kansas agriculture.”

Smith will officially begin his role as deputy animal health commissioner on August 1, 2013.

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