Atchison County Elementary School Students Earn Statewide Honor

(KAIR)--Seventh graders at Atchison county elementary school have a lot to be proud of. As a class, they have topped all schools in the region on reading achievement.

According to a press release from the USD 377 school district, based on the class' performance on the 2012-2013 state reading assessments, they will be honored at a dinner in November with a certificate of merit for their outstanding achievement.

The Confidence in Kansas Public Education Task Force is presenting the award, which is designed to recognize schools whose students are performing above and beyond what other schools of similar size and socioeconomic status in the state have done. The task force was designed for this purpose, to make sure that Kansas schools and their achievements were promoted.

The release goes on to explain that for each of the 14 state assessments, 60 schools across the state met the criteria for high performance, but only those schools with the top scores from each of the 10 regions in the state actually earn the award.

District Superintendent Steve Wiseman congratulated the students and staff, and says that the award is proof of the hard work and devotion the school's teachers have toward providing a quality education for every student, and every class.


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