USD 409 Debuts New Technology

(KAIR)-- The Atchison school board will start to utilize a new, paperless meeting solution designed to make it easier for parents and other community members to interact wit the board.

According to a press release from the board, the new program titled BoardDocs LT will make meeting agendas and supporting documents available on the internet, which is a much more efficient and faster way to distribute those documents, there is also a dramatically reduced cost to the organization.

Electronic distribution is will not only save time and money, but it will also provide greater access to the public of any agendas and other important documents through the district's website to any of the public who wish to view them. The public can review these agenda items prior to each meeting so they can be better prepared to discuss them during the physical meeting.

The new program can be accessed by going to the district's website: or you can go directly to


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