New Headquarters for Atchison Co EMS

(KAIR)--When the Atchison county commission moved to a new method of recycling a few months ago, it left the old county recycling center unused.

Plans have been put in place to renovate that building into a new headquarters for the county EMS service. Commission Chair Jeff Schuele says that the commission voted 3-0 during their meeting Tuesday afternoon, to move forward on a contract with an architect for renovations to the facility at a total cost not to exceed $26,000 including engineering fees, which should not exceed ten percent of the total cost of the project.

Schuele adds that the commission hopes to have the remodeling complete and EMS moved into the building no later than early 2014.

The county is currently using the old Atchison hospital facility on 3rd Street for the EMS headquarters, so the move to the old recycling center site would be a significant upgrade.

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