Special Needs, Special Kids

(KAIR)--Recently, there have been efforts by parents of special needs children in the Atchison community to build a park that their kids can play safely in, as well as be a place where they can gather for a little adult conversation. Amy Hale is one of those parents, and she explains that what exactly a special needs playground different from the typical everyday play area is that everything in it will have something to stimulate the senses of a special needs child. For example, things that make noise or are smooth.

Hale also says there are different levels of Autism.  You have one level where the children are very non verbal and have poor muscle control. On the opposite end of the spectrum are the children with Asperger's syndrome. These children are very brilliant, talented and gifted children. What they lack is the social aspect. They have difficulty picking up on social cues.

It is this lack of social skills that make it difficult for parents of these children to have them play on a typical playground. These children do not want to engage in play with other children. Hale adds that mood disorders are also very common with these children.

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