Holidays Can Be Deadly To Pets

(KAIR)--For many families, their pets can be a large part of their family. So while most pets are loved and well taken care of, it can be easy to overlook some common pet practices that many owners may take for granted. Peggy Kistler is a veterinarian with the Atchison Animal Clinic,and she advises any pet owner to first make sure that plants such as poinsettias and ivy are not assessable to their their pets, as these plants could poison the animal if ingested. It is also important to make sure your Christmas tree is secure, as cats love to climb, and could topple the tree over.

Certain holiday decorations can also be hazardous to your pet's health. If they fall off the tree, glass ornaments can shatter and shards could embed themselves into your pet's feet. Also, cats love to play with tinsel, but if it is eaten, it can cause a blockage in the intestines, which can be a serious medical condition.  

Finally, Kistler says that it may be best to keep your holiday food out of your pet's food dish. More specifically, heavy gravies or really any fatty food can be dangerous to your pet's health.

Kistler also adds that the myth of chocolate being dangerous for pets to consume is true, though it is only pure chocolate that is harmful. Most modern candy is made with some form of synthetic chocolate, and while it is still not advisable to let your pet eat it, it is far less dangerous.

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