Atchison Elks Are Turkey Trotting For A Good Cause

(KAIR)--If you enjoy dancing and helping out a good cause, then you should make your way over to the Atchison Elks club Saturday evening for a night of dancing and fund raising for areas families in need. Elks member Bob Cobleigh (Cob-Lee) says that while the fund raising started a few years ago, the Turkey Trot is a relatively new event. Also, families that are helped by the proceeds from this event get quite a bit. Each family will receive a turkey, ham, and all of the various sides needed to cook a fantastic holiday dinner. Also, if the family has children, then they can be adopted by community members to make sure that the kids receive a Christmas present.

There will also be more than just dancing going on. Cobleigh says there will also be events such as turkey bowling and various other contests in addition to an auction featuring various donations from local merchants. Proceeds from the auction will go to purchasing the food items donated to families in need.

The third annual Elks Turkey Trot will take place Saturday evening, with social hour running from 7:00-8:00 followed by the dance and the auction.


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