Concealed Carry Allowed In Brown Co Courthouse

(KNZA)--Concealed carry will be allowed in the Brown County Courthouse. 

That decision was reached Wednesday when the Brown County Commission met for business. 

The decision follows heavy discussion on the issue which happened over the course of several recent meetings. 

A decision had to be reached to meet the requirements of Kansas law pertaining to the allowance of concealed carry. 

The state says if a local government wants to bar weapons in public buildings, security measures must be put into place, a move proving costly to those governments who plan to proceed with the ban. 

Local leaders were allowed to exempt themselves from state law until January 1st. 

It had been previously proposed to install security devices at the Courthouse entrance, manned by security personnel, and keep only that entrance open to the public. 

However, following the consideration of cost, Commissioner Warren Ploeger made a motion Wednesday, seconded by Commission Chair Keith Olsen, to take no action on the concealed carry law, meaning that those licensed will be allowed into the Courthouse. 

Past discussion on the issue included county officials pointing out that licensed holders aren't the ones to worry about, but those who smuggle in a weapon for nefarious purposes are. 

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