Atchison City Commissioners Consider Two Rezonings

(KAIR)--Changes could be on the horizon, at least for two properties in the city of Atchison. Atchison City Manager Trey Cocking says that one of the first items on the agenda for Monday afternoon's meeting is deciding on the possible rezoning of one district that recently came into the city's possession. That property is at 7002 LogemanRd. It will be changing from single family residential to general business district.

The second rezoning will work to correct a previous zoning mistake when the area north of Heritage Hills, known as Heritage courts came into the city. Cockings says that the city maps are still showing that area as Agricultural, when it is really single family residential.

Also during the meeting, Commissioners will start to move forward with a plan to demolish eight different structures. A demolition hearing will be set for January 21st. Cocking says that at that point, commissioners will decide if those structures are unsafe and dangerous.

The Atchison City Commission will meet at 4:30 Monday afternoon in the City Commission room on the second floor of City Hall located at 515 Kansas Ave.

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