Space Heaters Can Be A Major Fire Hazard

(KAIR)--As temperatures drop lower and lower, some may find that there are spots in their home that central heating just can't touch. In these cases, most people either grab a blanket or put an electric space heater in the room. While these devices can provide a great deal of comfort, Atchison Fire Chief Mike McDermed says proper precautions should be taken when using one. You should always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, and understand that any combustible materials such as curtains or laundry can be a fire hazard.

McDermed says that a heater unit that is UL listed is recommended since if those units are tipped over accidentally, they will automatically shut off and prevent a fire from potentially taking place.

It is also important that you place your space heater near an electrical outlet to eliminate the need for an extension cord. The fire department does not recommend the use of an extension cord, but if you have to use one, make sure you use one that is big enough to handle the electrical needs of your heater.

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