Eating Healthy During The Holiday Season

(KAIR)--It may not seem possible, but it can be possible to indulge in all of the holiday treats we enjoy, and still eat healthy. Mary Leach, who is a dietitian at Atchison Hospital, suggests that if you are going to a holiday party, don't starve yourself all day, saving up calories so you can indulge at the party. Instead, have a small, filling snack such as cheese and crackers, nuts, or a hard boiled egg before you leave.

She adds that even cooking for your family and friends has the possibility of putting a dent into your diet plans. If you take a small taste of what you are cooking to make sure it tastes good, or if you lick the spoons after you use them, these things can really add up.

Leach also says that it's okay if you do not loose any weight during this time of the year. Instead, she suggests that you be realistic about your weight, perhaps being satisfied with maintaining your weight concentrating on just not gaining any additional weight.

Leach also suggests another good way to keep your weight down is to start new holiday family traditions. Perhaps take a group walk after dinner and before unwrapping gifts, or even have a family football game with a prize being awarded to the winner each year.

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