Outdoor Pets Can Suffer In Colder Weather

(KAIR)--Extreme cold weather can be very dangerous for people, but what some may not realize is that it can be equally, if not more dangerous, for our pets. The Atchison Animal Clinic's Dr. Charles Van Petten, says even  basic shelter can help a pet stay warm outdoors. He recommends at least a basic type of shelter and bedding though a nicer type doghouse would be ideal.

Shelter is not the only item pets need to stay warm outdoors. Van Petten recommends that pets have a steady supply of food and water available, since animals do have a more rapid metabolism when they are trying to stay warm. Bacon or beef grease can be added to their food to provide more density, providing the animal with more energy and more fat on their body to protect against the cold.

Van Petten adds that different types of animals can withstand the cold longer than others. For example, dogs and cats with shorter hair or with very little fat on their body cannot stay out longer than a hour or two without sustaining some kind of damage. On the other hand, animals with longer hair and more fat such as a husky or an Akita can withstand cold temperatures for about five to six hours.

Van Petten says the best bet is to bring pets indoors, even if just an enclosed garage.  If a garage is not available,  a basement or porch area, allowing extra heat, can suffice. 

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