Early Interaction Is Critical For A Child's Development

(KAIR)--Any time spent, or interactions with a baby can go a long way toward helping the child develop crucial social skills. Atchison Child Care Director Carrie Sowers says the time between birth and five years old is the most critical in a child's development. You set the tone for who you are for the rest of your life during this time. Your personality, your likes and dislikes are all formed.

Sowers goes on to say that the right kind of interaction is just as important. She believes you have to have consistency, love, and nurturing, all of those things that don't come naturally to people, when you interact with your child. As long as it is loving and educational, that kind of interaction is the best gift you can give to your child.

Every time you interact with your child, you are giving them something invaluable they can use later in life. Sowers says you give them the gift of language every time you talk to them or read books to them, something she recommends parents start to do even in the womb.

Sowers also recommends not overreacting when a child says a word they shouldn't, as this gives them power, letting them know that the word gets a reaction.


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