Propane Shortage Affecting Midwest States

(KTNC) -- A propane shortage is affecting much of the Midwest, and the recent cold weather has compounded the problem for agriculture.
Missouri Farm Bureau President Blake Hurst says prices shot up 70 cents a gallon for propane earlier this week.  He says there's concern for people in the greenhouse industry and  those who raise poultry and livestock, that they can't make a profit with current prices and may not have enough supply to keep their animals alive. Hurst says they're hearing reports of shortages and poultry producers who have contracted for propane, but suppliers are not fulfilling the contract.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration says propane supplies are extremely tight in the Midwest and the spot price in Conway, Kansas has spiked far above the Gulf Coast spot price. Hurst says the Missouri Farm Bureau is talking with MFA and other suppliers in the state who are “working hard to protect and help all of their farmers.”

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