USD 377 Honors Long Time Employee

(KAIR)--Longtime educator and coach Jim Maendele will receive special recognition for his decades of service to USD 377. The Junior/Senior High site council received a request that Maendele be honored from ACCHS graduate Dan Brenner, which was then approved by the council in December and forwarded to the School Board. Superintendent Steve Wiseman says the board voted unanimously during their meeting Monday evening to recognize Maendele for his service to the Junior/Senior High school, and to grant him a place on the school's wall of fame. Maendele says he is humbled by the recognition and feels fortunate to have the kids he had while he was teaching and coaching at the school.

Maendele started teaching at ACCHS in 1970. He also coached at the school, leading the boys track team to nine, and the boys cross country team to three big seven league titles during his time as head coach. He was not selfish in recognizing athletes for their achievements, and had a reputation for encouraging them to always go after their goals. KAIR's own Tom Kautz, who ran cross country for Maendele, has high praise for his former coach. He would work his athletes hard, but he was also really organized. Kautz says he would not be surprised if Maendele still has a file somewhere on every athlete's workout routine.

Maendele raised his family in Effingham, and continues to live in the community, giving advice to any current and former coaches and athletes who seek his assistance.

Wiseman says there will be a ceremony to formally recognize Maendele, but no firm date for the event has been set.

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