New Court Date To Be Set In Alleged Juvenile Sex Case

(KAIR)--The hearing to determine if an Atchison teen accused of several sex related charges against a five year old child should be tried as an adult has been postponed to a later date. This comes after the court appointed attorneys for 16-year-old Anthony Jones appeared in court Thursday morning with their client to request a continuance.

According to Atchison County Sheriff Jack Laurie, Jones was arrested late last week and charged with rape, aggravated sodomy, and sexual exploitation of a child for an incident that allegedly took place between February 13th and the 17th.

Sheriffs Department Investigator Larry Myers says the incident was brought to their attention by the victim's mother late Thursday.

Myers adds the sexual exploitation of a child charge stems from an allegation that Jones sent sexually explicit images to a third party via an electronic device, who Myers says, is a person of interest, and is being investigated.

A continuance was granted, with a telephone conference set for March 14th to determine a new hearing date.

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