Warrant Arrest Leads To Drug Charges

(KAIR)--An Atchison man who believed he had a district court date was arrested Friday morning and now faces several drug related charges. Atchison County Sheriff Jack Laurie says the arrest was made after 41-year-old Wallace Harper arrived at the courthouse. A deputy noticed him enter the clerk's office and remembered that he had a warrant through Atchison city court, and proceeded to take him into custody.

Laurie says the additional drug related charges come from an incident that allegedly took place as officials were booking Wallace into the jail. The deputy had noticed that Wallace had been digging into his pocket and had something in his hand. Upon investigation, it was determined to be a folded up dollar bill with a substance that officials believed to be cocaine inside.

Harper is facing charges of trafficking contraband into a correctional facility, possession of cocaine, and possession of drug paraphernalia. He remains in the Atchison County jail.

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