USD 409 Responds To State Supreme Court Ruling

(KAIR)--Local school districts could receive more funding in the coming years, but should not expect to see that increase any time soon. The Kansas Supreme Court ruled Friday that school district funding disparities violate the state's constitution, and ordered legislators to bridge the gap. The ruling set the stage for what could be a very long battle in the legislature. USD 409 Superintendent Susan Myers agrees the decision was a complex one, but does mean a lot to the district. She says the court ruled on two separate issues; equity and adequacy of funding in education. The Legislature failed to fully fund the capital outlay and supplemental general fund, so Myers says it was the equity portion that means the most to the district.

Myers adds that great things could result from the ruling, but only if work is put into fixing the funding gap. She says that “When they [the court] said that this had created wealth based disparities, and this was unconstitutional, that's great news for school districts if the legislature truly addresses that idea of equity...”.

Myers says that if the funding does come through, it would allow the district to make overdue repairs in their capital outlay plan.

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