Home Burglary Interupted

(KAIR)--An Atchison man who left his home for a short period of time Tuesday evening received quite a surprise when he returned.

According to Atchison Police Chief Mike Wilson, 27-year-old Ryan Halling had only been gone for approximately 25 minutes to purchase dinner. When he arrived back at the residence, located in the 600 block of T Street, he discovered a burglary in progress. Wilson says it appeared the suspect had gathered items in an attempt to take them from the home, but only a laptop and some jewelry were actually taken. He quickly fled the scene when Halling arrived.

Wilson says there was also damage where the forced entry was made. The estimated loss, including the damage, amounts to approximately $1,100.

Police don't yet have any definite details relating to who the suspect may be, but the search for leads continues.



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