Atchison Retail Market Study Bid Fails

(KAIR)--Atchison City Officials have decided not to enter into a contract with a St. Louis Architecture firm to conduct a retail market study in the city.

Representatives from PGAV Architects conducted a Skype call with City Commissioners during their meeting Monday afternoon and explained the various strategies they would employ to conduct a retail market study in Atchison.

Commissioner Jack Bower asked about the different kinds of relationships the firm has had with various retailers, as well as what kinds of businesses they could bring to the city. The group responded that they have long standing relationships with major retailers through developer connections, and would have to conduct the study before knowing specifically who they could bring into the area.

After a lengthy conversation, the Commission decided not to enter into a contract with PGAV by a 3-2 vote. City Manager Trey Cocking says there were various reasons as to why the bid was denied. He feels as though the Commissioners had different ideas on what they were looking for  from the firm, such as more retail experience and experience working with various retailers. Also, member of the firm had not been to the city, and the commissioners felt they did not have a feel for what needed to be done.

Cocking says officials will go back to the drawing board and discuss other options to improve retail in the city.

Commissioners Rita Hartman, Jack Bower, and Larry Purcell cast the no votes, while Mayor Dave Butler, and Commissioner Allen Reavis cast the two yes votes.

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