Pyle Considers U.S. Senate Challenge

State Sen. Dennis Pyle

(KNZA)--Kansas Senator Dennis Pyle is considering a run for the United States Senate, challenging incumbent Pat Roberts for the seat. 

The rural Hiawatha Republican, in a press release issued Friday, says he is considering to challenge his fellow Republican because “Roberts has been in Washington far too long and isn't conservative enough.” 

Pyle says an alternative candidate is needed because the challenge from Republican Doctor Milton Wolf, who is backed by the Tea Party, is expected to "fall significantly short." 

Pyle decided to form an exploratory committee to consider the feasibility of joining the race for U.S. Senate “after months of prayer, consideration and discussion” with his family. 

Pyle says he has, through the support of donors, secured the funds necessary to “briefly but critically” explore a possible campaign as an alternative candidate for conservative Republicans “who want to replace Pat Roberts.” 

Pyle is inviting conservative Kansas Republicans, for the next ten days, to share with him their opinion about his possible run for the U.S. Senate.   

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