Falls City School Board Postpones Action on Classified Staff Salaries

(KTNC)--The Falls City Board of Education tabled action to increase compensation for the district’s classified employees for the next school year. Classified staff include non-certified employees, including para-educators, secretaries, custodians, cooks, and bus drivers.
 Superintendent Tim Heckenlively suggested an across-the-board 3.25-percent pay raise, which would be approximately 30-to-60 cents per hour, depending on how long an employee has been with the district.
Board member Scott Hollens argued for a larger increase, especially for those on the lower end of the pay scale. He suggested a 50-cent an hour across the board increase.
After lengthy discussion, the board decided to wait until next month to make a decision. The board directed Heckenlively to look at the budget impact of three options: a 50-cent increase, a percentage increase, and a combination percentage increase and an increase in the base pay.
Heckenlively said the 3.25-percent increase would be a change of $58,000 to the district’s budget, with an additional $4800 for each additional quarter-percent increase.
The board did approve an increase in the substitute teacher pay rate, from $105 to $110 per day. Heckenlively said that rate is in line with other area school districts. It had been six years since the last increase.
On other staffing matters, the board accepted the resignation of 5th Grade teacher and Junior High Assistant Football Coach Jared Remmers. The board approved a contract with Alison Rowland to be an elementary teacher; Christi Chapple has accepted the Nutrition Services Director position; and five special education para-educators have been approved for hiring at the elementary level.
South School Principal JP Holys said they interviewed nine applicants for the para-educator positions and they were pleased with the quality of the applicants.

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