Constitutional Amendments on Missouri Primary Ballot

(KTNC)--Several Constitutional amendments will be decided during Tuesday’s Missouri Primary election.
 Five amendments are on the ballot. Amendment one would guarantee Missouri citizens the right to farm; Amendment 5 would make the right to keep and bear arms an “unalienable right” in the state; Amendment 7 would impose a three-quarter cent sales tax to pay for transportation projects; Amendment 8 would create a Veteran’s Lottery Ticket; and Amendment 9 would protect electronic communications from unreasonable searches and seizures.
 A proposition in Atchison County would impose a tax of up to one dollar on agricultural and horticultural property for 10 years. Proceeds from the tax would go into the Special Road Rock Fund and used exclusively to purchase road rock for county roads.
 On the partisan ballots, several candidates are running to be their party’s nominee for U.S. Representative in District 6.
 Incumbent Sam Graves is seeking reelection, but is being challenged by three other candidates in the Republican primary. Three Democrats are seeking their party’s nomination.
 Four Republicans are running for the nomination for State Representative in District 1. Just one Democrat is running for the position.

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