Stipends Approved for Part-Time Fire Drivers in Falls City

Falls City Fire Truck

(KLZA)-- Hiring two additional part-time fire drivers for the Falls City Volunteer Fire Department and paying stipends to the part-time drivers were both unanimously approved by the Falls City, City Council Monday night. 

Six part-time fire drivers had been allowed. The new rules will allow for eight.  Fire Chief Ken Simpson explained he would be able to schedule one person each day of the week to cover with an additional person to serve as backup.

The part-time drivers will be scheduled for when the paid fireman is not on duty.  From 5 p-m in the afternoon until 8 a-m the next day and on Saturdays and Sunday’s. 
The idea was brought up when the Council voted not to rehire a second full-time driver following a retirement in May. 
The Council also approved paying a stipend of $3 per hour during weekdays for the part-time fire driver designated to take the first truck out to a call.  On Saturday and Sunday the designated person will receive a $4 per hour stipend.  
Second Fire Chief Jon McQueen said once the part-time driver responds to a call he goes onto regular pay for a part-time driver of either  $9.75 per hour or $14.28 per hour based on his years of service. Based on the stipends approved the cost to the City will be $417 per week or $21,684 annually. 

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