Atchison Moves Forward With New Recycling Service

(KAIR)--Atchison residents will soon be able to take advantage of a new city run recycling service.

City officials took the last step needed Monday afternoon by holding a public hearing on the ordinance that would establish the service. City Public Works and Utilities Director Justin Pregont came before the Commissioners to present the final proposed plan, and to answer any questions they may have.

Pregont explains that residents can choose to take part in the new service and while it does have some similarities to traditional waste collection, there are some differences, such as collection times. While refuse is collected every week, recyclable goods will only be collected every other week. Pregont says the main reason for this is that they don't compose, and as a rule, can keep longer.

Pregont adds that those participating in the new program will be provided another by the city, free of charge. The new cart will appear the same as the refuse cart, with the exception of a green lid to set it apart.

While most recyclable goods will be accepted. Pregont says the one exception will be glass since it is not economically viable to recycle. It is one of the only recyclable goods that is actually cheaper to produce from scratch than to recycle into a new product.

Pregont says the public sign up period will begin next month. Those interested in participating in the program can either sign up online, or through direct mailing.

The meeting drew no comment from the public.

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