Kids Activities Can Be Balanced With Family Time

(KAIR)--As the start of a new school year draws closer, many kids may find that they have more opportunities to participate in a variety of activities. However, having to choose which of these activities to take part in can cause a fair bit of stress for both children and their parents.

It is completely normal for parents to want to provide opportunities for their children, but too many activities can infringe upon valuable family time. K-State Research and Extension Family Systems Specialist Charlotte Shoup-Olsen says that while it is important for children to be involved in activities, there should be a balance between family and activities. She says this is a time where kids and parents communicate with each other, and where parents can share their values, and teach without really meaning to almost. When it gets to the point where the kid's activities are starting to interfere with family activities, this is when decisions need to be made.

While choosing what activities to partake in can be difficult, Olsen says making tough decisions will help children develop better decision making skills.

In most cases, there will be more activities than there will be time to participate in them. Olsen says that in these cases, parents should set some limits, especially if it reduces conflict in the family.

More information on managing family relationships is available at county and district Extension offices, or by going to

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