USD 377 Approves 2014-2015 Budget

(KAIR)--The USD 377 Board of Education has approved a budget for the 2014-2015 school year.

Superintendent Steve Wiseman says it contains a flat mill levy, but the district is waiting to see what enrollment numbers for the coming school year look like, as they could have some impact on the budget. He says the district's biggest concern each year is if their student population will increase, decrease, or remain the same. If anything, they are hoping there will not be a significant drop off, though a little change is expected with attrition and a difference in classes.

Even though the Board has approved the budget, Wiseman says the process is not yet complete. It still has to be sent to the state to be certified, and it could change based on that audit. He says the proposed budget is an estimate of what the district thinks enrollment will be, and the process will include an audit of the district's transportation and various weighting factors. Wiseman says that until that audit is complete, the district really does not know what the final budget numbers will be.

Approval followed a public hearing that drew no comment.

Meanwhile, the patrons of the district will again decide the fate of facilities in November, with the board Monday unanimously approving a bond issue to be decided during the general election. 

Despite failed attempts, including the most recent in November of last year, the board is seeking voters to support 9.8 million-dollars in funding for facility improvements. 

That figure is scaled back from the 17-million sought last year. 


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