Pawnee City Considering Property Donation

City Hall - Pawnee City

(KTNC)--The Pawnee City Council is considering whether to accept a property donation from Wells Fargo Bank.
 In an email to the city, Wells Fargo Donation Asset Manager Elise Kooistra-Sullivan asked if the city would accept the property at 1104 7th Street as a donation. The bank acquired the property through bankruptcy or foreclosure, and it has not been a nuisance property.
 The bank also offered to give the city $10,000 – presumably to help fix up the property. Wells Fargo also offered to provide a marketable title, pay up property taxes until the closing date, and pay past-due utility bills and closing costs.
 While the property is not considered a nuisance, it cannot be sold or rented until repairs are made.
 The city council considered the bank’s offer on Monday, but had several questions about the offer that will be explored before the next council meeting on August 25.
 The Pawnee City Council did approve continued city membership in the Southeast Nebraska Development District for the next year. Pawnee City’s membership dues are $1,575 and housing dues are $263 for the 2015 fiscal year, the same as the past six years.
 The council approved the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan through First Concord Benefits Group for city employees.
 The council also accepted the semi-annual PCDC audit. The economic development organization reported income of nearly $61,000 in the first six months of the year, and assets including three CDs totaling approximately $38,000.
 Pawnee City continues to monitor the condition of the boys’ restroom at South Park. The facility has been vandalized twice in recent weeks. The restroom will remain open for now, but city officials say it could be closed if it’s damaged again.

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