Atchison Carnival Seeks To Raise Awareness Of Childhood Cancer

(KAIR)--Kids of all ages will gather along the Missouri River Friday night for the Atchison Riverfront Carnival, an event designed to not only provide fun for all, but to raise awareness for a very serious issue.

The carnival will feature various games for both kids and adults, food, music, a bounce house, zumba, and face painting. However, in addition to all the fun, event organizers are also seeking to shed some light on a very serious issue.

Event organizer Laura Helton currently has a son receiving cancer treatments, and she says they are working to raise more awareness of the fight against childhood cancer. One event in particular, will focus on that fight. The “Whipping Childhood Cancer” pie in the face toss challenge will be filmed and placed on the event's Facebook face and will act as just another way to raise both money and awareness for the cause.

Helton adds that all money raised from the event will be donated to Children's Mercy Hospitals, in an effort to start a new program that aims to use Lego toys to assist children in their fight against cancer. Each time a child goes to chemotherapy, they will be provide a set of the building blocks. They will then be able to use them to build their vision of their journey through the cancer fight.

The Atchison Riverfront carnival will take place Friday evening from 5:30-8:00, and everyone is encouraged to attend.


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