Movie Night Planned In Hiawatha

(KNZA)--Although the ultimate fate of a Hiawatha movie theater remains uncertain, with two competing ideas of how to make it happen currently in play, there's no debate that movie lovers are likely to swarm Hiawatha's current Arrow Theater this Saturday for the showing of two classic films. 

The Hiawatha community group ACES is spearheading the effort, using the screening as a fundraiser. “We think it's going to be a blast,” ACES president Ian Schuetz tells MSC News. “Kind of having a guys and gals night, so we're offering for the guys Caddyshack and for the ladies Dirty Dancing, both two classic kind of iconic movies. It's going to be a free will donation to get in. The ACES will be running the concession stand and we've got some great sponsors to help us pay for the cost of getting the film in. Hopefully people will come, enjoy the movie, have a good time, find out a little bit more about ACES in the process.” 

Both films start at 8:00 Saturday evening, with the doors of the theater to open at 7:30. 

The movie night comes on the heels of what Schuetz calls a successful ACES membership drive held last weekend. “We were at the Fisher Center this last weekend. We had over 120 people show up, and out of that we actually had about 25 people sign up for new membership, which is really great because we've been a small group so far. We're really looking to utilize that new membership to help tap into some of the things that we haven't been able to manage because of our limited rescources.” 

ACES is currently at work renovating the theater for a possible permanent reopening through private funding. At the same time, voters are being given the option in November to vote on funding a newly constructed, city-owned theater, to be funded by a three-eighths percent city wide retailers sales tax for a ten year period. 

Schuetz says if that proposal should pass, ACES will abandon the project and instead put their focus on other community initiatives they have in the works. 

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