USD 415 to Seek Patron Input on Possible Bond Issue

(KNZA)--The Hiawatha school district will seek patron input on a possible bond issue for facility improvements. 

During a special meeting Monday evening, it was the consensus of the Board of Education that a survey should be sent to registered voters in the district to see what they would likely support.

Earlier this month, a committee recommended to the board that an estimated $15.8 to $18.9 million in facility improvements be considered for a bond issue.  The recommendations were presented in two lists.  The first list contained what they believe are the highest priority items, which include improvements to the district’s three schools. The second list contained items they want--including construction of a career and technology center for the high school and middle school and multipurpose gym at the elementary school.  Both could contain storm shelters.  

Board President Matt Sprick said in talking with a cross section of community members he’s heard a lot of different opinions on what they would support.

Superintendent Penny Hargrove says she hopes to get a survey mailed out by the next board meeting.  Results would then be reviewed at a special board meeting in late November or the board’s December meeting. 

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