USD 377 Moves On After Bond Defeat

(KAIR)--Officials in Atchison County's USD 377 look to the future following Tuesday's defeat of a proposed $9.8 million bond issue.

According to Superintendent Steve Wiseman, the district will be prioritizing their projects as they do every year, and move forward with those that need the most attention, including the replacement of the roof at the elementary school. As for another bond issue, that's a matter to be decided in the future. Wisman says that “In terms of anything that requires the support of the taxpayers in terms of a bond issue...that is not something the board has discussed...we lost two years in a row, so it's hard to say what direction we will go in terms of putting together another bond issue or not”.

Wiseman adds that the district's first priority is taking care of their students. He says that “Regardless of the outcome of the bond issue, our students deserve our very best, and we are going to continue to do that...we are just going to keep working hard to find something where we can manage our resources and take care of our facilities at the same time”.

The bond would have funded improvements including the construction of a multipurpose addition to the Junior/Senior High School, and the renovation of the existing metal gym at the elementary school into four classrooms and a FEMA shelter.

The bond was defeated 938-801.  


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