Pothole Repairs Begin In Kansas

(MSC News)--The arrival of warmer weather will allow a necessity of the season: repairs to potholes along Kansas highways. 

Potholes become prevalent during the winter months, due to an abundance of precipitation and cold temperatures, and prove a nuisance, at best, and an actual hazard, at worst, to motorists. 

According to a press release from the Kansas Department of Transportation, maintenance crews will be completing pothole repair work over the next few weeks throughout northeast Kansas. 

How the repairs are conducted depend on the severity of the pothole and the current weather conditions. 

Quick repairs are conducted with temporary, cold patch material while more permanent repairs are made using what KDOT calls a spray patching process. 

The transportation department wants motorists to be aware of the pothole repair work and to practice extra caution while workers are on the roads making those repairs.

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