Doniphan West Debates Primary School's Future

(KQ2-TV)--The cafeteria at Doniphan West High School was full Monday night as speaker after speaker shared opinions and concerns about the future of the district's primary school.

Because of cuts across the state of Kansas, small districts like Doniphan West are having to make up costs, which includes $26,000 just last month.

The board is considering closing the district's primary school, meaning they'll have to find an alternative for preschool and kindergarten students.

"We're trying to be proactive about what could be happening in the future and at the same time gain community input," said Rex Bollinger, Superintendent.

The public hearing gave community members the chance to share ideas and express concerns about the change.

One option suggested would be moving the primary school students 9 miles south to the elementary school in Denton.

But that would mean parents like Danyelle McCauley who lives in White Cloud would have to drive her preschooler thirty minutes to school or have a one hour bus ride.

"It is not really a fair move to just automatically move the younger children down south," said McCauley.

Another idea would be to move the primary school students into the basement of the high school, but concerns from the fire marshall axed that idea.

Another community member suggested, the upstairs of the high school is still a possibility.

Another issue brought up would be merging the middle and high schools together.

Bollinger says that's a separate issue that would need to be discussed further.

There's no definitive timetable but district officials say they hope to have a decision by next school year.

Bollinger says no jobs will be lost no matter the decision.

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