State Budget Shortfalls Worry Ks Farm Leaders

Rich Felts

 WICHITA, Kan. (AP) - The new president of the Kansas Farm Bureau says the state needs to rebalance its tax structure in the wake of revenue shortfalls created by massive income tax cuts enacted last year.
 Rich Felts says he worries property taxes may still take the brunt of tax hikes in the waning days of the legislative session as lawmakers struggle to fill the budget hole. For years, Kansas had "a three-legged stool" of income, sales and property taxes that worked.
 But Felts stresses that is only his personal opinion because his grassroots organization didn't take a position on the income tax cuts when members met last December. Its members didn't realize the extent of the shortfall.
 He says a lot of people were in denial then, including Gov. Sam Brownback's administration.


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