NEK-CAP Jackson County Head Start Currently Taking Applications

Are you and your child ready to share an experience that will enhance both
of your lives? Then consider NEK-CAP Head Start as a building block to the
future education of your child.

Head Start is a nationally known research based preschool program which
serves pregnant women, infants, and toddlers. Head Start is available at no
cost. Head Start staff offer children and families acceptance,
understanding, and the opportunity to learn and to experience success.  Head
Start children socialize with others, solve problems and have other
experiences that help them become self-confident.  Head Start children are
more prepared for kindergarten, excited about learning and ready to succeed.

NEK-CAP Head Start reserves 10% of its enrollment for children with

Head Start is federally funded preschool program with centers in Atchison,
Brown, Doniphan, Jackson, Jefferson, Leavenworth, Marshall, Nemaha, and
Pottawatomie Counties in Northeast Kansas. Head Start receives its funding
from the Department of Health and Human Services, through the Administration
of Children Youth and Families. Eligibility is based on income as set by the
federal government.

When filling out an application, parents are asked to provide proof of
income that may include 2014 tax forms, paycheck stubs, or proof of income
from public assistance. The income information is used to determine
eligibility for the program. Additional information needed to complete the
application form includes insurance card numbers, immunization records, and
birth certificate. This information is kept completely confidential.

The center staff in each county is now taking applications.  In Jackson
County, for more information or to make an appointment, call

Jackson County Head Start Center  785-364-4055 or 785-364-2109  or
785-364-4798  or Toll-free  888-221-9279

Jackson County Early Head Start  785-305-1649 or 785-851-1023

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