Atchison Erecting Wayfaring Signs

(KAIR)--Motorists making their way through Atchison will now have an easier time finding their way around the city.

City crews are erecting nearly twenty-four wayfaring signs at various locations around the city, and Public Works and Utilities Director Justin Pregont says putting the signs up is the last step in a long process. “We've been through design, and manufacturing, and permitting with the state, and now we are at the final, kind of most exciting piece of this puzzle which is to actually get the signs up. Our goal is to have all of them up and in place by the time that we have a lot of visitors here for the festival and make a positive impression on people with some branding and community identity.”

Pregont adds that the signs were designed with a specific purpose in mind. He says that “it's kind of a branding, marketing effort to show people including the Amelia face in there, that is certainly something that is a big part of our heritage. It features the same colors that are part of the city logo, and are also the default color setting on the bridge, so putting all of those things together and pointing people to various community assets is kind of a benefit that is wrapped up into it.”

Pregont says there are plans in place to install several smaller, supplemental signs that will direct people to the sports complex, and he expects those signs to be erected within the next few weeks.

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