New Nemaha Co Jail Progressing

(KMZA)--Construction on the new 34-bed Nemaha County Jail in Seneca is progressing. 

Sheriff Rich Vernon gave county commissioners a tour of the new jail this week so they could see first hand the progress being made. “We broke ground November of last year,” Vernon tells MSC News. “Of course we had a bad winter and didn't get much work done. However, they jumped back on it, and even with the rains this spring they have done a great job staying after it. AHRS has really kept the contractors going.” 

So long as the weather allows, Vernon expects strong progress to continue. “Right we're probably close to having eighty, eighty-five-percent of the block laid for the walls in the building and we'll be moving forward with more progress in the coming months, weather providing. It's been a great success so far and we hope to keep that up.” 

The Commission last October accepted a total bid of nearly $4.6 million for the construction of the 15,000-square-foot facility, which is to be attached to the current county Law Enforcement Center. 

AHRS Construction of Bern is serving as construction manager at risk on the project, which is scheduled for completion in January 2016. 

The county is financing the new jail addition through existing capital outlay funds. 

The current 15-bed jail was built in 1978.

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