Atchison Airport Addressed At Commission Meeting

(KAIR)--The Atchison Airport expansion project was addressed during Monday afternoon's City Commission meeting, and while no progress was made, important information was given.

City Manager Trey Cocking says that in terms of this year's budget and funding for the airport, there is a clear plan in place moving forward. “What we are doing right now is we adopt a capital improvement plan for the airport in February of each year, and that is what we officially submit to the FAA. So this budget just maintains the submitted FAA capital improvement fund. If we want to make changes to that CIP fund, or that CIP program, we need to make those in February when we submit the new plan. So right now, we are not planning on spending any money without going before the commission, without having some public discussion.”

Cocking says the city will gather public input on the project in the next few months. “I think there needs to be an opportunity to have some conversations on it, to listen to both sides of the issue. I know that I have had a lot of people in and out of my office that care both ways, deeply about it. I think there needs to be some community conversation on it. I can see merit to both sides of the conversation.”

The FAA approved an Environmental Impact Study for the project in April, which included information gathered from a public hearing held in February.

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