USD 415 Board Approves Budget for Publication

(KNZA)--During a special meeting Thursday morning, the Hiawatha Board of Education approved a proposed 2015-16 budget of $16 million for publication.

Superintendent Penny Hargrove says the proposed budget calls for a nearly 8.4 mill  levy increase, which is attributed to the bond issue approved by voters in April to fund improvements to the district’s three schools.  

On the positive side, Hargrove said the mill levy is actually lower than had been projected because the district’s assessed valuation went up.

The next three years will reflect a larger mill levy increase as the district continues to pay off the bonds on the Hiawatha Middle School, which was constructed in 2000.

The proposed budget contains an estimated tax rate of 60.1 mills, which is to generate more than $5.7 million.

The Board will consider adoption of the budget following a public hearing at their August 10th meeting.  

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