Doniphan Co Commission Approves Oiling Experiment

Doniphan County Courthouse In Troy

(KNZA)--The Doniphan County Commission has approved having a private contractor perform a three-mile oiling experiment in the county.

Following discussion Monday, the Commission voted to contract with Kansas City-based Vance Brothers to chip and seal three miles county roadways in the Third District---including 1.5 miles of 170th Road and 1.5 miles of Treece Road.

The county will pay for the oil, provide the chat, and allow use of the county’s chip spreader for a month.  The cost of the oil will be paid from the county’s sales tax fund.

The purpose of the “ experiment” is to determine if the county would be interested in contracting for future chip seal projects.

The Commission was also presented with a list of five fracture critical bridge structures in the county in need of repair based on Kansas Department of Transportation inspection requirements.  They include four bridges in the First District and one in the Second District.

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