USDA Grants to Fund Higher Ethanol Blend Pumps

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - The U.S. Department of Agriculture says it is sending money to 21 states including Iowa and Nebraska to help them install more gas pumps that can provide higher blends of ethanol fuel.
A typical gas pump delivers fuel with 10 percent ethanol but the USDA is encouraging the use of higher blends of the corn-based fuel such as 15 percent ethanol, which the government says can be safely used in cars built in 2001 or later.
Iowa expects to get funding to add 187 blender pumps, which allow customers to choose from various blends of ethanol from E15 to higher blends used in flex-fuel vehicles including E20 and E30, and E85.
The USDA says Nebraska will get funding to add 80 blender pumps and Minnesota will add 620.


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